
Nicole Siegel

DOJ-Servicemembers and Veterans Initiative / Civil Rights

Nicole Siegel is the Acting Director of the Servicemember and Veterans Initiative at the U.S. Department of Justice. Nicole previously served as a Trial Attorney in the Housing and Civil Enforcement Section of the Civil Rights Division, where she enforced cases involving the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and the Fair Housing Act. Prior to joining the Civil Rights Division, Nicole was an Attorney Advisor in the Department’s Office of Legislative Affairs, where she handled legislation involving civil rights, including servicemembers and veterans. Nicole holds a J.D. from Rutgers University, an M.S.W. from Columbia University, and a B.S.W. from McGill University.

I'm Speaking At

4:30 PM -
5:15 PM

Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Overview

Lawrence A

This session will provide an overview of federal financial protections under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, including interest rate benefits, foreclosures, lease terminations, rep...


Nicole Siegel