Lynne Patterson is a project manager on the Spouse Education and Career Opportunities Program (SECO) at Zeiders Enterprises, Inc. Lynne has a MSM and maintains both her AFC® and her PMP® designations and presides on the Board of Directors for the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education® (AFCPE®).
As an Air Force veteran, a military spouse for thirty years, a mom of two USAF officers, a mother-in-law to an USAF officer and a daughter to a retired Marine, she understands the military life. Lynne has worked in many roles to assist our American heroes and their families. In addition to her current positions, she was the Deputy Program Manager, Operations Supervisor and Personal Financial Counselor to the Personal Financial Counseling Program, a financial counselor intern for Survivor Outreach Services and an ANC Arlington Lady.
As a military member and dependent Lynne moved thirty times, continually supporting the military’s morale, family welfare and quality of life programs. Lynne and her husband settled to the Colorado mountains.