Make Your Point
Make Your Point is our peer-voted and community-presented keynote, where attendees will inspire fellow attendees with ideas and solutions to our community’s top problems. It’s the pulse of the military money community.
Your point can be anything to help others. It can be something you’re passionate about, a new coaching method, a solution to a problem, or a concerning financial trend—we’re looking at you Buy Now, Pay Later. Let’s get it on everyone’s radar.
How it Works
Attendees can submit the subject of their point at the beginning of MilMoneyCon in the Exhibitor Hall. Fellow attendees can review the listed topics and vote on the subjects they want to know more about.
The attendees with the top three topics will get five minutes at the closing All Hands Session to “Make Their Point” to the audience. There will be no slides, just a microphone and your message.
How to Make Your Point
Here are some ideas for making your point to the audience.
- Who you are and what you do
- What’s your point
- Why we should care or pay attention
- How can the community help
Make Your Point aims to share your message with the community so we can be aware and help. So there’s no need to worry about a fancy presentation. Just tell us the basics so we can assist you.
Make Your Point is for not selling or marketing your products, projects or services. Points are ideas, solutions, or problems impacting our community. Rising tides help lift all ships. Please provide knowledge, inspiration, and value to lift others up.