Financial Planning for Guard and Reserve Families: Part 1 – Serving
April 26, 2024 1:00 PM 1:45 PM Confluence A
*Preapproved for 1 hour of AFCPE®, MQFP® CEU and 1 hour of CFP® CE
Guard and Reserve families have added layers of complexity when combining military pay and benefits with civilian careers. They face many of the same challenges as their Active Duty peers but this session will focus on the unique nuances of this community:
- Reserve Retirement point system
- Duty Status and VA Disability Considerations
- Calculating Pay and benefits based on Type, Title, and Tour Length
- Combining Careers to maximize benefits and budget Cash Flow
- Tricare Reserve Select
- Preparing for Activations and Deployments, USERRA, SCRA, etc
- GI Bill consideration unique to Reserve Status
- TSP: Optimizing TSP contributions in tandem with civilian 401(k) plans
- Benefits unique to the Guard and Reserve
We will finish the session with a Q&A along with a resource sheet for further exploration of the topics.